Má tá suim agat sa bfaisean, ná teigh níos faide ná Scéal Eile.
Tá réimse mór éadaí inacmhainne, fir agus mná, chomh maith le earraí tí, pictiúir, leabhair, málaí láimhe,
bréagáin, troscán agus go leor eile.
Is breá le gach duine breathnú go maith trí racaí éadaí i siopa carthanachta chun a fháil amach céard a d’fhéadfadh tú teacht air ar phraghas iontach
Tá neart píosaí eile iontach le fáil sa siopa, ar nós gúna pósta don bhrídeog, culaith eadaí don grúm agus culaith do máthair an bhrídeog chomh maith.
Déantar na h-eadaí a nuashonrú go seachtainiúil mar sin buail isteach sa siopa agus breathnaigh thart. Tá pictiúr don troscán againn ins an siopa chomh maith.
Breathnaigh ar chuid dár troscán ar ár leathanach Facebook agus Instagram
Déantar ár rogha leabhar a nuashonrú gach cúpla lá agus tá gach rud againn ó leabhair chócaireachta go leabhair clasaiceacha do pháistí, chomh maith le leabhra gaeilge.
Tá éagsúlacht stíleanna agus saghasanna ar fáil sa siopa. Tá foireann Scéal Eile thar a bheith sásta cabhrú leat an chulaith foirfe a aimsiú.
If you’re interested in fashion, look no further than Scéal Eile.
There is a large range of affordable clothing, men’s and women’s, as well as homeware, pictures, books, handbags, toys, furniture and much more.
Everyone loves a good rummage through the racks in a charity shop to see what you can find at a great price
There are plenty of other great pieces to be found in the shop, such as a wedding dress for the bride, a suit for the groom and also a suit for the mother of the bride.
The clothes are updated weekly so pop into the store and have a look around. We also sell 2nd hand furniture at Scéal Eile
Check out some of our furniture on our Facebook and Instagram page
Our book selection is updated every few days and we have everything from cookery books to children’s books, as well as Irish books.
A variety of styles and types are available in the store. Our volunteers are more than happy to help you find the perfect outfit.