Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages people to reduce their plastic consumption and make more sustainable choices throughout the month of July.

The campaign was started in 2011 by the Plastic Free Foundation and has since grown into a worldwide movement with millions of participants in over 170 countries.

The goal of Plastic Free July is to raise awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on our planet and to inspire individuals, businesses, and communities to take action to reduce their plastic waste.

Participants are encouraged to make small changes in their daily lives, such as bringing reusable bags and water bottles, refusing single-use plastics, and choosing more sustainable alternatives. 

Fast fashion is one of the biggest contributors to plastic pollution, with many textiles containing harmful microplastics that end up in our oceans and harm marine life.

By shopping sustainably in charity shops around Ireland, you can help reduce the amount of plastic waste in our environment and make a positive impact on our planet.

Choose to support our mission and create a more sustainable future for all.