Charity Retail Ireland is the voice of the charity retail sector in Ireland. It is the representative body for over 40 registered charities who operate nearly 450 charity retail outlets throughout Ireland. Charity Retail Ireland was established in 2000 and is funded by its members and corporate partners.
Our Vision
A trusted, diverse and sustainable charity retail sector on the island of Ireland.
Our Mission
To be the voice of Charity Retail while promoting our social, environmental and economic value.
Our Values
- Be honest, open and transparent in all our activities
- Act with integrity
- Be trustworthy
- Be fully inclusive by promoting diversity and inclusion
- Value our volunteers and support our members
- To work collaboratively for a circular economy
Charity Retail Ireland Strategy 2025-2027
Our Strategic Goals
- Support Charity Retail Ireland members
- Promote the social, environmental and financial impact of the sector
- Influence our stakeholders and advocate on behalf of the sector
1. Support Charity Retail Ireland members
- Support the sustainable growth of the Charity Retail sector
- Represent our members at a local, regional, national and international level
- Retain existing members, attract new members and expand our member activities
- Facilitate networking and engagement opportunities
- Promote best practice in charity retail through education and development
2. Promote the social, environmental and economic impact of the sector
- Grow awareness of the social impact of charity retail and of the missions of our charity members
- Leverage our environmental impact to expand the customer base and grow the sales of our members
- Support our members to enable them to get the optimum economic benefit from their charity retail activities
3. Influence our stakeholders and advocate on behalf of the sector
- Lobby government and regulatory bodies to promote the strategic goals of Charity Retail Ireland and its members
- Influence, educate and inform government, the retail sector and the general public on a circular textiles system
Through their charity retail outlets, Charity Retail Ireland members raise vital funds to support their causes. The charity retail outlets enable individuals and communities to access a full range of clothing, furniture and household items at affordable prices. Charity retail outlets are a significant contribution to the public benefit remit of individual charities. Charity Retail Ireland members play a very significant and growing role in supporting the circular economy and environmental sustainability.
All Charity Retail Ireland members are registered with the Charities Regulator or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and have signed up to our Code of Charity Retailing. Charity Retail Ireland members range from large national and international charities to small, local, community-based charities.
Charity Retail Ireland supports members by lobbying and acting a representative voice for the sector, providing information and tools for best charity retail practice and celebrating the achievements of our members. To do this Charity Retail Ireland is committed to continuously improving its own effectiveness and efficiency. In essence, Charity Retail Ireland supports members to achieve the triple bottom line of social, economic and environmental benefits.