Who we are
Charity Retail Ireland is the all island umbrella organisation which provides information, support and networking opportunities for registered charities who operate in the Charity Retail sector.
Some of the many benefits of joining us include access to:
- Charity Retail Week which highlights the economic, social and environmental value of the charity retail sector.
- Our annual member awards that set high quality national standards within the sector.
- Our social media platforms, promoting our members’ charitable businesses.
- Great networking opportunities with other charities who operate shops at our meetings and events throughout the year.
Charity Retail Ireland members are charities that are registered with the Charities Regulator or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and who operate on the island of Ireland.
So join us so that we can help you to promote and grow your charity shops to benefit many communities, nationwide and beyond.
Find out more about what we stand for – Go to our Vision, Mission and Values here
Benefits of joining us
Networking and Members’ Meetings
Charity Retail Week 2024
The theme for this year’s Gathering Event is The Power of People held on 24th April 2024 at the Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise. We commissioned a video, The Power of People, from Shell.McMedia to showcase our members’ own experiences of the social impact that charity retail has on each one of them, their local communities and their charities; and the social impact in the wider community. This prompted interesting and engaging round table conversations with our members reflecting on and sharing their own experiences.
We also launched our Charity Retail Impact Report 2023 and held our annual Awards Ceremony at this meeting.
Charity Retail Week 2023
Our flagship members’ event, The Gathering, was on 26th April in the Rediscovery Centre, Ballymun, Dublin. Our Charity Retail Impact Report 2022 was launched followed by a choice of 5 workshops with members attending two workshops. The workshops were:
- Textile Upcycling Workshop: Arran Murphy, The Rediscovery Centre
- Get the most from your socials, learn from an expert, Fionnuala Jones 53K followers
- Charity Retail – Reuse as a Fashion Choice: Carrie Ann Moran, Circular Fashion Ireland/Fashion Revolution
- Charity Retail – Selling Online: Sam Lynas, Haru
- Recruitment in Today’s Challenging Marketplace: Aislinn Lea, Excel Recruitment
The afternoon was a lively set of discussions in our World Café on topics close to the heart of all charity shops. The day was rounded off with our Annual Awards Ceremony.
Our last Members’ Meeting pre pandemic was in February 2020 in Portlaoise.
Following our AGM, members took part in an interactive Smartphone Video workshop with Aileen O’Meara. The World Café was a lively discussion of four questions relevant to the operation of a charity shop where members shared their knowledge and expertise. The day ended with the presentation of our Members’ Awards for Volunteer of the Year, Shop Team of the Year, Shop Manager of the Year and Shop Window of the Year.
We held several virtual meetings throughout 2020 and 2021 to keep in touch with our members.
Member Services
Receive your fortnightly newsletter update straight to your inbox to keep you up to date on members’ news and promotions, stock opportunities, developments in the sector and the latest research. We provide practical help on how to run your shop through the dedicated members’ area of the website (see below). The Secretary is available to provide information and resources and to connect members to each other.
Learning and Development for your shops
We have run regular workshops on issues that face charity shops e.g Health and Safety and Security and subjects that help you in the running of your shop; Antiques Awareness training, social media training, VM training. We plan to offer more workshops online through a webinar series.
Charity Retail Impact Survey and Report
We started our Benchmarking Surveys in 2005 and they have grown into the Charity Retail Impact Report of today. This demonstrates the financial, social and environmental value of our members’ retail operations. This annual survey also provides an industry norm against which individual charities can measure their own performance. Our Charity Retail Impact Report is launched annually at the Gathering Event and is downloadable from the dedicated page on our website.
Our website is a channel for members of the public to find out about charity shops, where to donate and where to buy. We only list Charity Retail Ireland members’ shops. Stats from 2023 are:
- 135,000 pages viewed
- 280,000 events or activities on the site
- 50% of visitors are searching for a charity shop
- 84% of our visitors are via mobile phone
The exclusive members’ area is a forum for members only, where all information about Charity Retail Ireland and members’ activities can be found. There is also information to help you to run your shop and other useful links. Username and password are provided once you become a member.
Social media
We have a very active social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X and LinkedIn, which you can use to promote your shop and your charity’s events. We run several public window competitions throughout the year which generate good traffic and highlight our members fabulous window displays. Our social media is managed by an expert content creator, Shelly McLoughlin of Shell.McMedia.
Media coverage, public awareness and lobbying
Charity Retail Ireland is now recognised by the media as the representative body for charity shops and this generates coverage for our sector. We are registered as a lobbyist with Lobbying.ie. We successfully lobbied government during the pandemic to highlight the need to support the charity retail sector.
We operate an online reporting form to enable members of the public to send us details of any suspected bogus/unregistered activity. This is supported by the Gardai. More info here
Advocacy for the Charity Retail Sector
Charity Retail Ireland is very active in advocating for our sector with the Department of the Environment and the EPA on resource management policies, changing consumer behaviour and the vital part that the charity retail sector can play. We have fed into policy making through the Textile Advisory Group and the Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy. We are also involved at a European level through RREUSE in influencing the Waste Framework Directive and the subsequent revisions.

How to join us
- Complete this online application form.
- You must be a charity registered with the Charities Regulator or the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland, based on the island of Ireland and operate charity shop(s) to raise funds for your objectives. Your shop(s) must be run directly by the charity and all proceeds must go towards your charity’s purpose.
- Once you’ve completed the application form your credentials are checked.
- We’ll send you a sign up form to confirm that you comply with the Code of Charity Retailing. (More info below)
- Once you’ve signed up to the Code you will be sent an invoice for your membership subscription.
- When payment is received you will become a member.
You will receive a welcome email with all the info you need to engage with CRI including:
- Access to the members’ area of this website with all the latest news and loads of info to help you to run your shop(s)
- A fortnightly email update with members news, stock opportunities and what’s happening in the Charity Retail world
- A shop listing on our website.
- You will receive membership stickers (as shown above) to put up in your shop(s)
Membership fees are based on how many shops your charity operates.
€180/£150 for 1 shop
€150/£125 per shop for 2-5 shops
€130/£110 per shop for 6-10 shops
€120/£100 per shop for 11-24 shops
€2,950/£2,500 flat fee for 25-99 shops
€3,250/£2,750 flat fee for 99+ shops
CRI Code of Charity Retailing
The Code of Charity Retailing was developed by members for members, who are all signed up to the Code and it is a condition of membership for all charities who wish to join Charity Retail Ireland.
Click here for more information and the full text of the Code.
The Code of Charity Retailing is an assurance to our customers and donors that all Charity Retail Ireland members are operating to the standards set out in the Code. The aims of the Code are:
- To promote good practice and high standards in charity retailing
- To promote public confidence in, and support for, charity shops
- To increase donations to charity shops, both directly into shops and through house-to-house collections.
- To get positive publicity for charity shops
- To promote awareness of legitimate charity shops and to help stamp out dishonest and bogus activities